Tuesday, August 5, 2008

When is the last time your nose itched?

Enough, Wrongford. You're wrong once again. In fact, It's obvious you're a jackass Canadian-Jew-lover that planted false evidence in an attempt to make your usually weak reports awesome. You know Howard loves me and he gets the highest ratings when I call in or If I am mentioned in any way. You are also aware of the fact that the ratings take a major dive whenever your weird Canadian-accented voice is broadcast.
"Idea!" says Wrongford in a very Canadian fashion, "I'll use Eric The Actor's awesome on-air prowess to get some good air time to impress the all mighty HOWARD."
He then has a few a-holes call in to Howard 100, then he goes live with bullshit fuckin lies about me picking my nose on camera.
Hey Wrongcanuk, When is the last time your nose itched, jackass? I would never pick my frickin nose on my awesome webcam, douche-turd Langford! My hands are all twisted and claw like. Its hard to tell what they are doing at times because they bend at unnatural angles. I was simply giving my best shot at itching my nose. A hard task, considering the unfortunate shape of my hands, but in the end I always manage. Not before accidentally slipping my fingers into my mouth, though. Langford(wrongford) says I slipped a juicy nostril nugget in my mouth, chewed, displayed an expression of pure enjoyment, smiled a bit and then licked my chops. Its not true. It was an itch.
Steve Langford is a slinger of Canadian lies and must be stopped. You all know what needs to be done.

Bye for now!

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